Online Volunteering - A Success Story

Dr. Apeksha Kakkar
February 11, 2019
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. "- Barack Obama

There are two ways I can proceed with this testimonial. Either I can commence with praise for Chezuba and give you the impression I was paid to write this (how I wish!) or I can just share my experience. Maturity & humility have forced me to choose the latter option.

A little background to get you oriented,  because in my opinion, narcissism constitutes the 'spice of life'. I am a medical graduate, somewhat infatuated with spirituality and associate myself with empathy & a strong desire to help everyone around me. I came across Chezuba website when I was searching for a volunteer opportunity after getting done with a humongous exam. I was intrigued with the idea of online volunteerism, which to me was very new and innovative. 

One of the advantages of online volunteering is that I get to select the project that I think I will be able to do justice to. I didn't have to travel for hours in a place like Mumbai and could complete the work in peace with a cup of coffee within the confines of my room. I completed a fact sheet on 'Indian Pangolin' for a wonderful NGO, Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra (SNM) in Chiplun. I guess that's another beauty of online volunteering. Technology and the hard work of Chezuba organizers connect someone from a suburban home in Mumbai to Ratnagiri and allows her to make this contribution. I agree, it is not a jaw-dropping difference. Like I did not cure cancer or AIDS (yet!). But however small, there was an effort and good will of all involved in this project. In the long run, the will to change and bring about a positive change is all that matters. For me, from the moment I applied for the project, to all the to-&-fro communication with the NGO, including the project completion, things flowed smoothly. I thank Chezuba as well as SNM, especially the president of the NGO, Mr. Bhau Katdare, for this experience.

Last but not the least, I want to put in a special thanks to the team of Chezuba for making this journey worthwhile with their time post the project. I love how proactive Chezuba was regarding feedbacks. In medicine, 'follow up'  often decides the difference between a doctor and a good doctor.

P.S. An attractive feature for many students working to build a resume in this throat-cut competitive world is that you also get a certificate of completion.

I hope all the above has convinced you to do what your 'amygdala'  feels is right (yes, the heart is not the seat of emotions!).

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