10 Statistics About Employee Engagement That Might Shock You

July 16, 2024

Employee engagement is a vital yet often overlooked component of organizational success. In reality, it is more than just a buzzword. Engaged employees are more productive, committed, and likely to contribute positively to the company's culture and goals. 

In this blog, we will explore ten compelling statistics about employee engagement that might shock you. These figures reveal the true state of engagement in the workplace and highlight the importance of addressing this critical issue. 

Whether you're an HR professional, a manager, or a business leader, this blog will provide a deeper understanding of why fostering employee engagement should be at the forefront of your organizational strategy.

What Does Employee Engagement Mean?

Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment and enthusiasm employees have towards their organization and its goals. It involves a deeper connection than just job satisfaction, where employees are motivated to contribute their best effort, are involved in their work, and align with the company's values and objectives. 

Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and dedicated, leading to better organizational performance and lower turnover rates​

Statistics About Employee Engagement

The following statistics provide a deep dive into the current state of employee engagement and its far-reaching implications.

1. Only 33% of Employees Are Engaged in the US

According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report, just 33% of U.S. employees are engaged at work​​. This means that only one-third of employees feel enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace. 

This lack of engagement can lead to decreased productivity, lower morale, and a decline in overall business performance. 

2. Disengaged Employees Cost Companies $450-550 Billion Annually

The economic impact of disengaged employees is staggering. It is estimated that disengaged employees cost U.S. companies between $450 billion to $550 billion annually​. These costs arise from a variety of factors, including increased absenteeism, lower productivity, and higher turnover rates. 

Disengaged employees are less likely to put in discretionary effort, leading to a decline in the quality of work and overall efficiency. Addressing disengagement is crucial for reducing these substantial financial losses.

3. 85% of Employees Worldwide Are Not Engaged

Globally, the engagement situation is even more dire. 85% of employees worldwide are either not engaged or actively disengaged​​. This pervasive lack of engagement highlights a significant challenge for international companies aiming to maintain high performance across different regions. 

Cultural differences, varying management practices, and diverse workplace expectations can contribute to the difficulty of engaging a global workforce. Companies need to adopt flexible and inclusive engagement strategies that resonate across different cultures and locations.

4. Engaged Teams Show 21% Greater Profitability

On the positive side, companies that manage to engage their employees reap substantial rewards. Research from Gallup shows that engaged teams are 21% more profitable​​. This increased profitability is due to higher productivity, better customer service, and lower turnover rates.

If business leaders foster on a culture of engagement, organizations can achieve significant financial benefits.

5. Companies with Highly Engaged Workforces Are 17% More Productive

Productivity is directly linked to engagement. Companies with highly engaged workforces are 17% more productive than those with low engagement levels​​. 

Engaged employees tend to go above and beyond in their roles, contributing more effectively to the organization’s success. They are more likely to take initiative, collaborate with colleagues, and seek out innovative solutions. Enhancing employee engagement can thus lead to a noticeable boost in overall productivity.

6. Engaged Employees Have 41% Lower Absenteeism

Employee engagement also has a direct impact on attendance. Engaged employees exhibit 41% lower absenteeism compared to their disengaged counterparts​. This means fewer lost workdays and a more consistent and reliable workforce. 

Absenteeism can disrupt workflow, increase the burden on other employees, and result in missed deadlines. By fostering a supportive and engaging work environment, companies can reduce absenteeism and maintain a steady level of productivity.

7. Organizations with High Employee Engagement Reduce Turnover by 59%

Turnover is a costly issue for many organizations. However, companies with high employee engagement experience a 59% reduction in turnover rates​​. This stability allows companies to save on recruitment and training costs while maintaining a more experienced and cohesive team. 

High turnover can lead to a loss of institutional knowledge, decreased morale, and increased workload for remaining employees. By focusing on engagement, organizations can retain their top talent and build a more stable workforce.

8. High Engagement Levels Lead to a 10% Increase in Customer Ratings

Customer satisfaction is closely tied to employee engagement. According to Gallup, high levels of employee engagement lead to a 10% increase in customer ratings​. Engaged employees are more likely to deliver exceptional service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend the company to others, driving business growth. 

Hence, by prioritizing employee engagement companies can enhance the overall customer experience and build a strong reputation.

9. 80% of Senior Leaders Believe Employee Engagement Is Critical to Achieving Business Objectives

Despite the challenges in improving engagement, there is widespread recognition of its importance. A survey by Harvard Business Review found that 80% of senior leaders consider employee engagement a critical factor in achieving their business objectives​. 

Senior leaders play a crucial role in fostering a culture of engagement by setting the tone, providing resources, and demonstrating a commitment to employee well-being. This acknowledgment highlights the need for continuous investment in engagement strategies.

10. 90% of Employees at Companies with a Strong Sense of Purpose Feel More Inspired, Motivated, and Loyal.

A strong sense of purpose within a company dramatically influences employee attitudes and behaviors. As per the PN Purpose Tracker Report, 90% of employees at such organizations feel more inspired, motivated, and loyal. 

When employees see their work as meaningful and aligned with a greater mission, they are more likely to be engaged and dedicated. This connection not only enhances their motivation and productivity but also fosters a deeper loyalty to the company, reducing turnover rates and improving overall organizational performance. 

How Chezuba can Help Increase Employee Engagement by 12X?

Chezuba  is an employee volunteering and giving platform that can significantly increase employee engagement by offering personalized, skill-based volunteering opportunities that align with employees' passions and companies’ goals. 

By enabling employees to contribute their skills to meaningful projects, Chezuba fosters a deeper connection to their work and the company. The platform's global reach allows employees to make a worldwide impact, enhancing their sense of purpose and belonging. Additionally, Chezuba's integration into recognition and reward systems boosts morale and motivation. 

This comprehensive approach to engagement can lead to up to 12 times higher employee engagement, resulting in a more motivated, productive, and loyal workforce​


Employee engagement is a critical factor that directly impacts a company's productivity, retention, and overall success. The statistics we've highlighted not only shed light on the current state of employee engagement but also underscore the pressing need for organizations to prioritize it. By understanding these numbers, companies can better address the challenges and leverage opportunities to foster a more engaged and motivated workforce. 

As we move forward, let these insights serve as a catalyst for change and innovation in your employee engagement strategies.

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