Celebrating Mandela Day: Ideas for Corporate Volunteering Activities

June 10, 2024

For corporations, Mandela Day presents a unique opportunity to engage employees in meaningful volunteer activities that align with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives. By organizing corporate volunteering events, companies can foster a culture of giving, strengthen team bonds, and make a tangible impact in their communities. 

Here are several detailed ideas for corporates to celebrate Mandela Day while supporting their employee engagement  and  Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.

History of Nelson Mandela Day

Origins and Establishment

Nelson Mandela International Day, often referred to simply as Mandela Day, was established to honor the legacy of Nelson Mandela, one of the most influential and revered figures in modern history. Born on July 18, 1918, Mandela was a key figure in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, ultimately leading to his election as the country’s first black president in 1994. Mandela’s tireless fight for equality, justice, and human rights earned him global recognition and respect.

In November 2009, the United Nations General Assembly formally declared July 18 as Nelson Mandela International Day. This declaration came in recognition of Mandela’s contributions to the promotion of peace, reconciliation, and social justice worldwide. The resolution called on individuals and organizations to mark the day by engaging in community service, inspired by Mandela’s 67 years of public service—27 of which were spent in prison for his role in fighting apartheid.

The 67 Minutes Campaign

A central component of Mandela Day is the 67 Minutes campaign, which encourages people to devote 67 minutes of their time to making a difference in their communities. This idea is rooted in the belief that every individual has the power to change the world, just as Mandela did through his dedication and sacrifice.

The campaign emphasizes that small actions, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, helping a neighbor, or organizing a community cleanup, these acts of service embody Mandela’s values and legacy.

Activities Ideas for Mandela Day

1. Skill-Based Volunteering Projects

Skill-based volunteering leverages the specific talents and expertise of employees to benefit nonprofit organizations and community initiatives. This type of volunteering is particularly impactful as it addresses specific needs with specialized skills. You can access Chezuba’s network of nonprofits in 100+ countries to volunteer or support.

  • Technology Workshops for Nonprofits

Many nonprofits struggle with limited resources and outdated technology. Organize a day where your IT team can provide tech support, update systems, or offer training workshops on software tools, cybersecurity, or data management. This can significantly enhance the operational efficiency of these organizations.

  • Financial Literacy Programs

Employees with expertise in finance can conduct workshops on budgeting, saving, and financial planning for low-income families or young adults. This not only helps individuals manage their finances better but also promotes economic stability in the community.

  • Marketing and Social Media Assistance

Marketing professionals can assist local charities in developing marketing strategies, creating content, and managing social media accounts. This can help these organizations increase their visibility, attract more volunteers, and secure funding.

Chezuba provides 2M+ volunteering and micro-volunteering opportunities that the employees can choose from. You can book a free demo to learn how employees can contribute.

2. Environmental Conservation Activities

Environmental sustainability is a critical aspect of CSR. Organizing environmental conservation activities not only helps protect the planet but also instills a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship among employees.

  • Tree Planting Campaigns

Collaborate with local environmental organizations to organize tree planting events. Trees play a crucial role in combating climate change, improving air quality, and providing habitat for wildlife. Engage employees in a tree planting day in local parks, schools, or degraded urban areas.

  • Beach and River Cleanups

Coordinate clean-up activities at nearby beaches, rivers, or lakes. These cleanups help reduce pollution, protect marine life, and preserve natural beauty. Provide employees with gloves, bags, and safety gear, and work with local authorities to ensure proper waste disposal.

  • Community Gardening Projects

Start or support community gardens in urban areas. Community gardens provide fresh produce, enhance green spaces, and serve as educational hubs. Employees can help with planting, weeding, and harvesting, as well as offering gardening workshops to community members.

3. Educational and Mentorship Programs

Education is a powerful tool for social change. Volunteering in educational and mentorship programs can have a lasting impact on individuals and communities, particularly in underserved areas.

  • Tutoring and Homework Help

Organize tutoring sessions for students in subjects like math, science, and reading. Employees can volunteer at local schools, community centers, or virtually. Providing homework help and academic support can improve students' performance and boost their confidence.

  • Career Counseling and Mentorship

Host career counseling and mentorship programs for high school or college students. Professionals from various fields can share insights about their careers, help students with resume writing, and conduct mock interviews. This guidance can inspire students and prepare them for future careers.

  • STEM Workshops

Encourage employees with a background in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to lead interactive workshops for students. Hands-on activities and experiments can ignite interest in STEM subjects and encourage students to pursue these fields.

4. Health and Wellness Initiatives

Promoting health and wellness is vital for building resilient communities. Organize activities that focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Health Screenings and Wellness Fairs

Partner with healthcare providers to offer free health screenings, vaccinations, and wellness check-ups in underserved communities. Employees can help organize the event, assist with registration, and provide educational materials on healthy living.

  • Mental Health Awareness Campaigns

Conduct workshops and seminars on mental health awareness. Collaborate with mental health professionals to provide training on stress management, coping strategies, and recognizing signs of mental illness. This can create a more supportive and informed community.

  • Fitness and Nutrition Programs

Organize fitness classes, such as yoga, Zumba, or aerobics, and provide nutritional education sessions. Encourage employees to lead these activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle and fostering a sense of community.

5. Community Building and Social Services

Strengthening community bonds and providing social services are essential for creating inclusive and supportive environments. Engage employees in activities that address social needs and enhance community cohesion.

  • Building and Renovation Projects

Work with organizations that focus on affordable housing to build or renovate homes for families in need. Employees can participate in construction, painting, landscaping, and other hands-on tasks. These projects provide safe and stable housing and uplift communities.

  • Food Drives and Meal Programs

Organize food drives to collect non-perishable items for local food banks. Additionally, employees can volunteer at soup kitchens or meal programs, preparing and serving food to those in need. These initiatives address food insecurity and provide essential support to vulnerable populations.

  • Clothing and Supply Donations

Coordinate a drive to collect clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, and other necessities. Partner with shelters, schools, and community organizations to distribute these items to those in need. Ensure the donations are sorted, packaged, and delivered efficiently.

6. Corporate Matching and Fundraising

Financial support is crucial for many nonprofits to carry out their missions. Implement corporate matching and fundraising initiatives to amplify the impact of employee contributions. 

At Chezuba, we are dedicated to helping organizations create a culture of purpose and impact through personalized volunteering opportunities and employee giving opportunities.

  • Matching Gift Programs

Encourage employees to donate to their favorite charities by offering a matching gift program. For every dollar donated by an employee, the company matches the contribution, doubling the impact. This not only supports important causes but also demonstrates the company's commitment to philanthropy.

  • Charity Runs and Walks

Organize charity runs, walks, or bike rides to raise funds for specific causes. Employees can participate individually or form teams, collecting sponsorships from friends and family. These events promote physical fitness, team spirit, and community involvement.

  • Online Fundraising Campaigns

Leverage online platforms to run fundraising campaigns. Create a dedicated page where employees can donate, share stories, and track progress. Use social media and internal communications to promote the campaign and encourage participation.

7. Inclusive Volunteering Initiatives

Inclusivity is a cornerstone of Mandela's legacy. Ensure that volunteering activities are accessible and inclusive, welcoming employees of all abilities and backgrounds.

  • Accessibility Audits

Conduct accessibility audits for public spaces, community centers, and nonprofit facilities. Employees can assess physical accessibility, provide recommendations for improvements, and help implement necessary changes to ensure inclusivity.

  • Diversity and Inclusion Workshops

Organize workshops focused on diversity and inclusion. These sessions can educate employees about different cultures, promote understanding and promote inclusivity.

  • Support for Disabled Communities

Partner with organizations that support individuals with disabilities. Employees can assist with adaptive sports programs, provide companionship, or help with accessibility modifications in homes and community spaces.

9. Long-Term Partnerships and Impact Measurement

To maximize the impact of corporate volunteering, consider establishing long-term partnerships with nonprofits and implementing systems to measure the outcomes of volunteer activities.

  • Strategic Partnerships

Form strategic partnerships with nonprofit organizations that align with your company’s values and CSR goals. These partnerships can lead to sustained collaboration, deeper impact, and a stronger commitment to social responsibility.

  • Impact Assessment

Develop metrics to assess the impact of volunteering activities. This can include tracking the number of beneficiaries served, resources distributed, or hours volunteered. Use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and make informed decisions for future initiatives.

  • Employee Feedback and Engagement

Regularly seek feedback from employees about their volunteering experiences. Understand their motivations, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. Engaging employees in the planning and evaluation process enhances their commitment and satisfaction.

Chezuba provides detailed reporting and impact measurement for employee volunteering and giving initiatives. For more information on how Chezuba can help your organization engage in impactful volunteering, visit our website or contact us directly.


Celebrating Nelson Mandela International Day through corporate volunteering is a powerful way to honor Mandela’s legacy and contribute to social change. By engaging in diverse and impactful activities, companies can create meaningful experiences for their employees, strengthen community ties, and make a lasting difference. 

Whether through skill-based volunteering, environmental conservation, educational programs, health initiatives, community building, fundraising, virtual opportunities, or inclusive projects, there are numerous ways to embody the spirit of Mandela Day. As Mandela himself said, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”

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