Grant Application Writing

The Nonprofit needed a grant that addresses all the key Challenges faced by people with disabilities, why these challenges arise, and the way forward to solve these issues.
Building Inclusive Society Tanzania Organization
Paschal Sylvester

Building inclusive society Tanzania organization (BISTO), is a nonprofit organization registered and operating in Tanzania mainland. A group of youth with disabilities established this nonprofit to help their fellow companions who are disabled. BISTO works to educate persons with disabilities and helps them engage in policy formulation and policy analysis, counseling, and legal awareness. BISTO’s goal is to improve the living standard of the vulnerable communities of Tanzania through community mobilization, capacity building, advocacy & strengthening of institutions at the grass-root level.

Asad Ullah
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Asad began his career in the nonprofit sector in the year 1995 and continues to work with a nonprofit organization to this day. Center of Excellence for Rural Development is the nonprofit he is associated with. His philanthropic nature and his quest to help organizations that work for the vulnerable population of society achieve their goals in some form led him to travel to the United Kingdom for his higher studies. He has served nonprofits in various administrative and functional roles over the years.


The Project

As a nonprofit organization, they are on the constant lookout for funds to be able to accomplish their mission. The nonprofit wanted to take a more pragmatic approach to the way persons with disabilities led their lives. Tanzania has a lot of people with disabilities who are unemployed and helpless only because they lack the skills required for taking up employment. A vocational training center would render these persons with disabilities to be more skilled and ready for employment, empower them and help them tremendously. Thus, in an attempt to impart knowledge and expertise, BISTO needed a grant. The title of the grant application was - Vocational Center For Persons With Disabilities.


The Journey

Asad had a strong desire to work for the development and empowerment of the vulnerable class of society and loves to volunteer in his free time. As part of his previous work, he had written numerous grant applications and knew the nitty-gritty of writing one that would help the organization secure the funding they need. Asad specifically chose this project because he feels that the vulnerable need more care and attention from those who can help and helping persons with disabilities would support this belief. 

Asad’s enthusiasm and prior experience in grant application writing caught the attention of the nonprofit and they got to work right away. Asad requested the nonprofit’s coordinator Paschal Sylvester for all the relevant information he needed and Paschal wasted no time in assisting him. Since Asad had a clear idea of what points make a good grant application, his work was a lot easier and smooth. The nonprofit and volunteer had no hurdles to overcome with this project. Once Asad had completed the project, he sent it to the nonprofit for review. They were thrilled with the outcome and thanked Asad for his work and Chezuba for providing them with a great volunteer. 


A grant titled “Vocational Center For Disabled Persons” was the outcome of the project. Tanzania is a very poor country and funds are hard to come by. This grant is the nonprofit’s hope of providing some form of stability to Tanzanians with disabilities. Asad also learned a lot about the nonprofit and the conditions of Tanzania through this volunteer project.

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“We enjoy working with Chezuba! We have completed 6 projects with volunteers from Chezuba and I must say that all of them were exceptional volunteers. We will continue posting projects with Chezuba for all of our virtual volunteering needs.”

“I really appreciate Chezuba for having a mindset to do something good. I truly feel Chezuba is helping nonprofits that are in need of volunteers and I would highly recommend using the platform. My experience with the nonprofit was also great! They were prompt in their communication and that did make the project easier to  complete.”