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CSR Platform - made just for you!

Giving back to the community is a benevolent act. So, why settle for what’s available? We built a platform that is as versatile as you and customised to your needs and your employees’ interests.

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Your Gateway to Boundless Impact and Meaningful Change

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Choose or suggest nonprofits you're passionate about.

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Seamlessly integrates with your existing payroll systems.

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Matching Programs

Employee giving through matching programs.

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Real-Time Reporting

Access comprehensive reports and analytics.

Building a purpose-driven culture isn’t all that difficult

Corporate volunteering and workplace giving have proven to be excellent enablers in building a great corporate culture. So, we built an all-in-one solution that guarantees building a workplace culture like never before.

A solution that works just as good, even for teams distributed across the globe.

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CSR Platform - made just for you!

Why Chezuba?

Because anyone should be able to make an impact. Anywhere. Anytime.

Our story

Chezuba began with a vision to facilitate every skill and every passion in the world in meeting a social need.

Sukhendra and Jagan co-founded AIESEC chapter while in university facilitating hundreds of students to volunteer for NGOs. Once corporate life kicked in, work took Sukhendra to Malaysia, Russia, Taiwan and India. But, he couldn't volunteer anywhere due to time and location constraints.

In 2017, Sukhendra joined hands with Jagan and Adela to work on this problem using technology. Thus, Chezuba was born - a volunteering platform that enables anyone and everyone to volunteer online!

Wonder what "chezuba" means?
Thank you! in Burmese.

CSR Platform - made just for you!

All-in-one CSR platform
to help drive
social impact effectively


Cloud software for your HR and CSR teams to run, execute and measure CSR programs. From creating events to managing smooth communication to gathering reports and data - everything is under one roof.


Gamified, personalized and diverse volunteering opportunities for your team. Whether they want to do something easy or something long, skill-based or fun-oriented, whether they want to do it alone or in groups - we got it all covered, in 100+ countries!


Options for your team to donate to NonProfits from across the globe, for the causes they cares about. Through gamified donations, campaign-based fundraising and dollars for doers, workplace giving now got that much more easier.

Impact is what we strive for

However cliche' it sounds, at Chezuba we breathe impact. We exist to build a better world, period.

We act with intent

You don't change the world by an accident. We act with intent and purpose to reach where we aim to be.

We display the highest form of integrity

We say what we do and we do what we say, there is no middle-ground, NEVER!

Would you like to join us?

We are always on a lookout for passionate individuals.

The Chezuba Effect: Here’s what our clients have to say

“Chezuba is the platform of choice for corporates looking for volunteer based projects. Having started this initiative at ServiceNow, we have seen a tremendous success rate while employee satisfaction soared.”




“Chezuba is an all-in-one platform covering all aspects of corporate philanthropy. Their pricing is very fair and they are very responsive, providing excellent support throughout.”



Asian Paints

“Chezuba team is passionate about the cause and provides practical customised solutions. They are pro-active, agile, good at understanding requirements and deliver accordingly.”



Tata Group

Download a case-study

The case study briefly talks about the journey of Tata group’s partnership with Chezuba in scaling their skill-based volunteering program

26,000+ volunteering hours clocked

Over the years, the number of volunteering projects taken up by employees have increased multi-fold

Global expansion

Partnership with Chezuba helped Tata’s global employees in 80+ countries take part in volunteering programs

100% satisfaction rate

A whopping 100% of Tata’s employees stated they would recommend their colleagues in taking part in the volunteering program

Tata Group Case Studies

Ready to scale your impact?

We are here to help you

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logo logo Chezuba is a leader in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on G2 Chezuba is a leader in Corporate Volunteering Platform on G2 Chezuba is a leader in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on G2 logo logo