6 Areas Where Virtual Volunteers Can Make A Difference

March 21, 2022

The internet has brought gaining knowledge about the happenings around us to our fingertips. But just being aware of situations isn’t enough. Making a real difference takes work and effort. Luckily, we have empathetic and good-willed people who have dedicated their lives to helping make the world a better place. 

Via the connectivity of the internet, nobody has to fight for the causes they believe in alone anymore. Online volunteering allows you to join a cause and make a difference from the comfort of your home. Virtual volunteering is a way for you to offer your time online to a worthwhile cause and lets you make an impact without being physically present.

Check out our list below to learn a few various ways in which you can use virtual volunteering to make a real difference.

  • Virtual Fundraising

A nonprofit’s work gets rewarded in the form of goodwill, which is not enough to run an organization. The world has numerous people who wish to contribute to society but might not be able to donate their time. You can appeal to the humanitarian in them and nudge them into making monetary contributions. Here’s where you can add value as an online volunteer by creating virtual fundraising strategies. 

Nonprofits have been raising funds online for a while now but the COVID-19 pandemic hastened this process significantly. Online Auctions, Crowdfunding events, virtual tours for your donors, sending out e-cards or having virtual marathons, etc, are some creative strategies that could help nonprofits raise funds.

  • Translation

If you are bilingual and are fluent in at least one language in addition to your mother tongue, then you would be a great fit as a volunteer translator. Many nonprofit organizations cater to people who are from diverse backgrounds, who don’t have English as their first language.

By volunteering as a translator, you can help translate books and audiobooks, help sharpen the language skills of refugees, asylees, and immigrants, Help the nonprofit reach a global audience by delivering their messages in multiple languages, Help people receive the right medical care or housing facilities by translating the documents into a language they understand. 

  • Outreach and Advocacy

Advocacy is showing public support for a specific cause or policy that assists people of vulnerable communities to get due support and representation. Advocates collaborate with local governments and organizations to make the world more accessible and equitable for everyone. Outreach is defined as participation in activities organized for a particular community.

Volunteering virtually could allow you to contact a local business that lacks a wheelchair ramp. You could also use social media to promote fundraising activities or create content for the causes you support to create awareness about such causes. 

  • Teaching and Training

It is not always possible to get volunteers or hire someone to get something done. This is especially true for nonprofits for various reasons. By volunteering online to teach and train existing volunteers and staff of the organization, you can help them become more self-sufficient. 

There are a lot of organizations that work for children and students. Virtually teaching students new topics that aren’t included in their curriculum or training them with relevant skills needed in the professional world, one day a week can benefit them greatly. Even the teachers can gain a chance to update their existing knowledge and you can help foster a harmonious learning environment. 

  • Administration

Some of the most crucial roles in an organization are the administrative ones. Many NGOs have just one person overseeing daily operations and that can become very taxing for them and not very sustainable in the long run. Virtually volunteering for administrative roles can save up some valuable time for the organization and they will be able to dedicate it to their beneficiaries. Everything from scheduling meetings to dealing with public inquiries and making data entries would come under administrative responsibilities. If you are someone who possesses such this could be a great opportunity for you. 

  • Accounting and Finance

Many nonprofits lookout for volunteers with financial skills and business experience that can be invaluable in establishing an organization's financial sustainability. These services are charged at exorbitant costs that NGOs might not be able to afford and thus, they are forced to work on their own.

By volunteering virtually to give organizations financial advice or helping them with bookkeeping you will be helping them manage their funds better. All this will directly impact the smooth running of their organization and indirectly help the cause they are working toward.

Chezuba is a virtual volunteering platform that offers volunteers a plethora of projects posted by over 7,000 nonprofits worldwide. Volunteering with us will open doors for you to help people from different countries, helping you make a global impact. Sign up with us to make a difference.

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