Employee volunteering and giving platforms are revolutionizing how organizations manage their corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts.
After the ideation phase of your project, you come to designing the intervention/ project. For a project to run its course smoothly, having a concrete plan in motion with an estimated timeline is crucial. Although, just scribbling down a plan on a rough piece of paper might seem like the way ahead, more often than not, the process will bring with it unexpected hurdles. To be prepared for any circumstance, it is important to have a planning structure in place. We will be discussing one such planning tool - the Logframe approach.
A "Logframe'' or "Logical Framework" is a planning tool that provides an outline of a project, its goals, activities, and expected outcomes. It lays out a framework for describing project components and activities, as well as linking them to one another while specifying the criteria through which the project's expected outcomes will be measured.
The Logical Framework Approach is an organizational and analytical method that is now utilized to manage development projects by many agencies, international NGOs, and many partnering governments.
Logframe was first established as a planning tool for military purposes, but NASA expanded on it to plan space programs. This project planning method was first used by USAID in the 1970s and has subsequently spread to all fields of development. Organizations prefer it for planning and performance evaluation, and it is closely linked to results-based management systems.
What is the Structure of Logical Framework?
There are numerous logframe structures that various organizations use for their convenience. The most common template is one that is a 4 x 4 table that attempts to summarize the key elements involved in project Planning. These elements are:
If a logical framework is properly constructed, the hierarchy of objectives should be read logically from bottom to top.
For example - Activities can be carried out if the inputs are sufficient. The outputs will be produced if the activities are completed. If the outputs are produced, then the goals should be met. If the objectives are met, they should contribute to the overall goal.
A logical framework allows you to define the key elements of your project and helps you organize your program systematically.
You will be able to distinguish between the factors that are in your control and those that externally influence your results.
It promotes common understanding and improved communication among project decision-makers, managers, and other stakeholders.
It establishes a framework for monitoring and evaluation, allowing for the comparison of planned and actual results.
Organizations may take a rigid or inflexible approach, making the logframe a limiting constraint on creativity and innovation.
The Logframe is among the many tools that should be used during project planning, implementation, and evaluation; however, it is unsuitable for other technical, economic, social, and environmental analyses.
Although putting together a logframe is simply one aspect of the project planning process, many criticize it for its rigidity and regard it as a top-down constraint from donors. According to Josiah Kaplan, an Oxford University scholar, you should write the logframe with everyone who might be involved in the project. "More diversity leads to better and more sophisticated project planning," he argues.
Ideally, logical frameworks should be created before a project begins. This helps determine the flow of your project and you will be able to make tweaks to your project plans as required.
The Logical Framework Approach to project planning was specifically developed to give a structure to the process. This enables setting clear objectives, keeps everyone informed, smoothens the process of project planning, and also allows the non-profit to focus on the implementation owing to the clarity of objectives and measurement.
We at Chezuba understand that the project planning process and using logframe techniques can be slightly overwhelming. We invite you to post a project for such needs of your NGO with us. Chezuba has partnered with over a hundred thousand volunteers to help ease your journey.